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Brad Hogg's 1976 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham 4-Door Hard Top
Remove the carpet and underlay

February 2, 2003 - Remove the carpet and underlay...rust inspection

I just finished taking the carpet and underlay out of the car. I had to scrape most of the padding off the car with a putty knife due to all the surface rust on the floor. There is quite a bit of rust through as I suspected. I'll probably end up replacing all four of the pans with either replacement pans or just sheet metal.

I cleared out as much debris as I could from the car. Next step is to get the vacuum out and clean it up throroughly. Then I'll cut away all the dead metal and see what I am really up against. Then I'll weld in new material. The carpet is shot. It was so rotted that it came apart in pieces everywhere. One place I saw that had new carpet stated that their carpet comes with the padding attached to the back. That's good because that shredded too. I wonder where I can get that padding that has the thick tar-paper material on the top. Does anyone know?

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